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Dog Rocks vs. Urine Burn Marks in Our Grass

Many of us take pride in having a nice lush green lawn. This isn't as simple as it looks even for those without a beloved pup in the family; but for many with dogs the urine burn marks are just a part of life.

But do they have to be?

We found ourselves asking the same thing when we moved into our new home a few years ago. In the past I had converted what lawn I had into a pea gravel dog patch, this was back when we lived north of Toronto, and really the only back lawn we had was dead from my two dogs Baron and Tessa - pea gravel seemed like the only solution. But here in London we have this huge backyard, and it was slowly turning into a mine field of brown spots...

I started searching for a solution and came across so many options, but almost all of them involved feeding my dog something that would alter their internal chemistry, their pH, or some other additive that I was not comfortable with. So I decided that the brown spots would be what they would be.

One of our neighbors came over for our house warming party. They have a beautiful Doberman Pinscher, and we got to chatting about our grass. She shares with me that they had the same problem, and she had just started using these Dog Rocks. I was intrigued, but overall skeptical to say the least. How could simply adding some rocks to my dogs water help our grass.

My science brain kicked in. Having a Master's of Science, and being a science nerd through and through, I had to investigate. I soon read many different thoughts on the rocks - some good, some fantastic, and others skeptical, or claiming a scam. So I kept digging... For me, I needed to understand how the proposed chemistry behind how the Dog Rocks worked, and also wanted to fully understand their safety before putting them in my own dogs water bowl.

I was soon able to put my mind at ease. It was clear from everything I read, both good and bad, that Dog Rocks were all-natural, and very safe for dogs. The explanation of how they worked also made reasonable sense to me - that is that they act to remove nitrogen containing compounds from the water, which dogs don't need anyhow. Thus removing the amount of ammonia from their urine, which is the general culprit for the urine burns in our lawns.

So I had concluded that first and foremost it was safe to try the Dog Rocks, and secondly the science made some level of sense. Then I started reading more anecdotal evidence from others, and decided what have we got to loose other than the brown spots in our lawn? So I ordered them.

At first Baron and Tessa thought it was a bit odd that I had placed these perfectly sized, hard, play things in their water, but after a few corrections they realized that they were simply a new fixture in their water bowl, and they basically ignored them.

So then we waited, and waited, and I really had no great expectations. Initially I thought, hmm well these aren't doing much, and I kind of forgot about them.

The weeks went by, we topped up their water as usual, and carried on about our days. I remember looking out one day thinking, hmm there's no more new spots, but let me take a look at the few really bad spots. What I found was that slowly but surely the grass was regrowing, and the spots were getting smaller. We did have to re-seed some areas, that were B&T's favorite places, but in time our lawn was free of brown spots.

So when we started to expand our line of pet products here at Wow-Finds Worldwide I was eager to bring Dog Rocks into our line-up.

I can only speak for our own experience, but if you are frustrated with the brown spots in your otherwise green lawn, they may be the right solution. I encourage you to do your own research, and come to your own conclusions about safety and comfort with putting them in your own dog's water bowl.

But here are a few tips and tricks that I have learned over the years that we have been using them with our own dogs:

When you are ready to try Dog Rocks for yourself, check them out here at Wow-Finds Worldwide, along with all of our other all-natural pet products.

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